Process data
Value of Compaq shares at NYSE
(N.Y., USA)
Value of Dell shares at NYSE
(N.Y., USA)
SHM data - Engineering School, Bologna University
Macroeconomic data
(Italy, 1970-79)
Offshore natural gas reservoir of Cervia
Natural gas storage of Brugherio
Natural gas storage of Minerbio
Power plant of Pont-sur-Sambre
Ethane-ethylene distillation column
(Datamont, Italy)
Butane distillation column
(Agip, Italy)
Fiberglass furnace
(Datamont, Italy)
Mean yearly sunspot counts from 1749 to 1983
Eutrophication phenomena in the Adriatic Sea
(Cesenatico, Italy)
Eutrophication phenomena in Lake Erie (Western Basin)
Eutrophication phenomena in Lake Erie (Central Basin)
River Hirnant flow
(North Wales, United Kingdom)
Maximal temperature at Bologna
Mean monthly temperature at Monte Cimone
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