This set reports measures performed in the western basin of Lake Erie
before the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement signed by Canada and the
United States (1972) that emphasized the reduction of phosphorus entering
the lakes.
The measures, performed at intervals of 1 month, refer to:
- Water temperature
- Water conductivity
- Water alkalinity
- N-NO3
- Total hardness
- D.O.
- Algae
Source: Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
Reference: S. Beghelli, R.P. Guidorzi, E. Halfon, P. Losito, T. Muratori
and F. Terragni. Eutrofizzazione in acque dolci e dinamica del
fosforo. Analisi e gestione dei sistemi ambientali,
CLUP, Milano, 1988, pp. 405-426.